Waydroid Clipboard Copy/Paste over UT not working
@dreamweaverit UT and Waydroid not sharing the clipboard is a general issue, and not specific to the Pixel 3A.
@arubislander Ok, thanks for answering!
Isn't there any way to make 'em share the clipboard?
@dreamweaverit If you mean any way for the Waydroid user, I suspect not. If you mean anyway for the Waydroid or UT developers (depending on where the issue lies) probably yes, but the most you could do ik that case is open a new issue, or as I see you have already done, request the issue you referenced be reopened.
So i know on waydroid on ubuntu desktop uses the python library pyclip to facilitate clipboard functions
@developerbayman will not function without pyclip
@developerbayman So installing pyclip might solve the issue?
@arubislander will solve the issue as far as i know
@arubislander provided UT hooks the same i dont see why not
Yeah UT just needs full python support alot of linux software is just too dependant on python libraries to go without
@developerbayman "full python support" is problematic as that would increase the image size to more than is available in the cache partition of some devices. This would impact the ability of those devices to install full image updates.
But adding select packages to the base image for better operation of bundled software is worth suggesting via an issue or a PR. -
@arubislander if thays the case i say just add pip and let users get what they need pip only like 20mb (something like that shouldnt be to much)
And to im not sure what exactly python-minimal vs python entails ....is it missing syntax?? .....
@arubislander i wonder an app kinda like waydroid helper but for python giving many options allowing users to maintain storage concerns
@developerbayman I know next to nothing about python. Would pip work completely in userspace? If it would require remounting r/w to be useful, then less incentive to have it pre-installed, as the user could install it themselves after making the filesystem r/w, which they would need to do anyway.
@developerbayman As a developer tool? It still remains to be seen if developing on the device is a viable, and enjoyable, option.
@developerbayman I suppose minimal libraries.m installed.
Have you already tried the chroot route?
@arubislander it should you can even run it in virtual environments just add it to the system path
@arubislander i have not yet however .....im more excited about this conversation
@arubislander im kinda hung up on this idea of a helper app but the irony here is i would use python .....im gonna try my hand at qt .....do you know if there is a github repo for waydroid helper im going to check because it would provide a perfect template .....ik assuming its in qt
Ok so its in python qml and cmake ......im gonna see if i can whip something up but it my be a min as the learning curve got a little bendy