Bacon goes focal!
@MrT10001 Just installed on mine the long install is very nervy after all the fun getting here but it worked. More fun later today. Thanks @TheVancedGamer for getting here.
@Lakotaubp Yes the long blank screen was a exciting. From experience I leave alone and that usually works.
(On a side note the other OPO must have had a loose battery connection, the headphone jack water damage label was red, but I couldn't see any signs elsewhere, reseated battery connector, it's alive).
Thank you @TheVancedGamer
@MrT10001 The power menu issue I am aware of but was too lazy to fix
we were trying to get it out into installer asap. be on the lookout for many bugfixes along the weeks. thanks for testing!
@TheVancedGamer Thanks for this, it is nice to keep older, but viable hardware running. I didn't even realise installer 0.10.0 was out until today.
@MrT10001 said in Bacon goes focal!:
When the device sleeps and you wake it up the power menu displays
That is interesting, as this also happens on the focal build of the PinePhone
@TheVancedGamer when you figure it out, maybe the fix will also be applicable for the PinePhone.
I know have it installed on 3 OPO's
Cannot get UNAV to work to test GPS positioning.
WiFi goes into sleep mode that needs to be reawakened manually.
Battery drain is quite significant - down from 100% to 68% over 4 hours (this can also be down to age of the battery as I haven't replaced these ones).
My next test will be telephony when I can sort out a working SIM from one of my other devices.
It looks very good so far.
Camera app fires up the camera, allows switching between front and rear, but crashes when taking a picture. No flash.No Torch.
Ok camera app:
Video works, records, saves and plays back.
Camera, flash comes on as a light, but when the button is pressed to capture, the app freezes.
No torch.
Contact import works as does Dekko and UT Tweak Tool(with normal 20.04 issues). I also confirm uNav not working.
Teleports and notifications also confirmed.
Edit: Contact import starts does not finish. -
@Lakotaubp Where do you get Tweak Tool from?
@MrT10001 Confirm. Have to restart device to use camera again.
@messayisto It's the one for 16.04 from the OpenStore armhf version. There is a 20.04 version in the pipeline but that doesn't fully work either. I used Morph to get to the OpenStore and download it.
@Lakotaubp thanks!
Update issued today.
No access to internet through wifi, Morph hangs
Battery life lasts less than a day.
Terminal fails to load, hangs at spinning circle
I've tested GPS. Worked fine with OSM Scout Server, Pure Maps, UT Tweak Tool and offline maps.
Update 50 does not install for me boots to recovery only. A reboot goes back to 49, so nothing losed.
Tried Update 50 again. This time I had deleted the previous updates and it was connected to power. This time it worked..
Need to try this again over the next few days to see if it happens again. -
I am yet to try the update, 20.04 seems to have caned the battery on these phones. I have three on 20.04 and on all three the battery lasts less than 4 hours.
@MrT10001 Not left mine on for long yet. Does yours have a sim in? Will try tomorrow night when back from work.
@Flohack Just installed 20.04. Love that I didn't have to disable the camera to install this time, and it set date/time correctly instead of 1970!
(Still getting open-cuts certificate error, confirmed the existing issue in github.)
Wifi/internet/Morph all working.
Tapping the power button to turn off the screen opens the Power menu (like a long press) and it is still there when you turn the screen back on.
Will do more testing as time permits.