I have some trouble using UBPorts "not as intended".
I am not really interested in keeping the update functionality or using a container. Rather I'd like to take advantage of the fact that UBPorts is available for my device and treat it as a headless linux server.There seem to be some roadblocks I am hitting:
- The file-system being ro. I can remove it temporarily, by using "sudo mount -o rw,remount /", however the permanent method listed everywhere "sudo touch /userdata/.writable_image" does not work. Has this been removed? How do I make the system permanently writable short of making a systemd service that runs the remount command every time?
- The halium overlay locations being unwritable. Is my only option unmounting /opt/halium-overlay locations one by one and then copying the files manually to their respective places? Without this apt-get is horribly broken because it can not write systemd user or libexec.
- /dev/loop0 is very small, but I solved it by increasing the img file size with dd and then using resize2fs.
Thank you.
@projix As you will understand, using the OS in this way (the OS is called Ubuntu Touch by the way. The community is UBports) cannot be supported on this forum.
But you are welcome to join the chat group Break your UT on Telegram to explore and discuss ways to maybe achieve your goal. You can point to this post, and also mention what device you are trying this on specifically, as different devices have different setups.
(this post will be moved to Off Topic because of the above. Thank you for understanding)
A arubislander moved this topic from Support on
You are even worse than Apple over here. Unfortunate.
I managed to solve this by reading the startup scripts of my port, some crontab usage and merging the overlays with the actual file system and deleting them.To anyone else reading this - if you want to do this try an open distribution, if at all supported on your device. My trouble is that UT is the only one that has a port with working WiFi, so I am stuck with it.
@projix said in UBPorts as server:
I managed to solve this by reading the startup scripts of my port, some crontab usage and merging the overlays with the actual file system and deleting them.
You are still welcome to the Break your UT telegram channel I pointed you to, and share how you managed to solve this there.
To anyone else reading this - if you want to do this try an open distribution, if at all supported on your device. My trouble is that UT is the only one that has a port with working WiFi, so I am stuck with it.
UT is open, as is evidenced by your ability to solve your issue all on your own. You would not have been able to do this with the product of the company you unfairly compare us to.
It is simply that as a small team of volunteers we have to limit the scope of our support, and are not in the position to do so for the usecase you are exploring.
@projix Upon rereading my initial answer I can see how I may have been unclear.
I wasn't implying your usecase could not be discussed here on the forums. They are an open place and all things UT related can be discussed.
But you were specifically seeking support for your usecase, and that, unfortunately cannot be provided.
In addition, I was wrong to move your topic to Off-Topic. I have now moved it to General.
A arubislander has marked this topic as solved on
A arubislander moved this topic from Off topic on
A arubislander marked this topic as a regular topic on
@arubislander said in UBPorts as server:
@projix Upon rereading my initial answer I can see how I may have been unclear.
I wasn't implying your usecase could not be discussed here on the forums. They are an open place and all things UT related can be discussed.
Yet that's exactly what you said.
"Support" says - "Discuss and solve problems with other users".
This is a problem I was discussing with other users - you waltz in and literally go "we don't do that here, get lost".But you were specifically seeking support for your usecase, and that, unfortunately cannot be provided.
In addition, I was wrong to move your topic to Off-Topic. I have now moved it to General.
No, I was looking to "discuss and solve this problem with other users".
Furthermore, the "you are worse than Apple" comment was aimed at you, not at the software, and I think well deserved as well based on your initial response.
You don't get to tell users how they are supposed to use open software. Just because this is not what you like does not mean that there aren't others who wish to use it that way. There is nothing wrong or illegal in what I was asking.Anyway, I'll let myself out now. I got everything working, I do have a few decades of Linux experience under my belt, which I was able to lean on. Your behaviour is beyond toxic though. There was no need to move the thread into the dumpster or comment on it if you have no clue. It did not break any rules, nor have you added anything of value to it.
@projix Nowhere was it claimed and implied that you were doing anything illegal. Neither were you told to 'get lost'. In fact I believe you could add valuable contributions to the knowledge pool of the community.
I was merely pointing you to a venue were you were more likely to be able to interact with other users with similar interests and your question might receive an answer quicker.
Should you have another query of this sort in the future, please do not hesitate to post it in the General category, or again, if you don't mind Telegram, in the channel I pointed to.