How can I use the script to create a ubports system.img file?
I have created the boot.img file using the build .sh script that was included in the source of the repository.
But how do I create the system.img file that's needed? The only thing that indicates a way to build the system image is the script in the build folder system-image-from-ota .sh, but I do not see a way to properly use it. I'm stuck being half done.
This is for a Oneplus 6t.
Thank you in advance.
I figured out a way to do a manual install using TWRP of an old version of UBPorts, then I can use the UBPorts installer on a phone that has UBPorts on it already. So I do not need to try building from source and doing these things. Marked as solved. I put the steps I took in the OnePlus specific forum instead of the general support area.
If on the off chance anybody actually knows how to use this script, I would like to hear about it. Feel free to put the information out there.