Q&A 139 Blog and Audio available now.
#UbuntuTouch Q&A 139 blog and audio now available
#UBports #UBportsQandA #Ubuntu #Opensource
Hello, in the blog, you write:
Fairphone 2
Flo reported that Focal is at last working on FP2. It is still a very dated device and there will not be any stunning performance improvement. For those whose top concern is sustainability, it is however a great example of how the latest UT can run on ancient hardware. Thanks to Mohammed for persisting with this work. Nexus 5 may follow but that hardware really is showing its age.
First, thanks for a wonderful information and to all that made that port possible.
My question is, how can I install it? Will it be like an OTA update, or do I need to install fresh using installer? Or something else?
@jezek Not 100% on this but I would think like other devices, it should when available be in the installer and through the normal Updates from system settings.
I have found it best when making the change to not keep moving between 16.04 and 20.04, but to move once and stay on 20.04 which is working very well now. -
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