Ubuntu Touch Q&A 144 Call for questions
Ubuntu Touch 144 is planned for this Saturday 6th July at 19:00 UTC. We really appreciate your questions and involvement in the Q&As, so please post your questions below and we will do our utmost to answer them.
Remember that questions on porting to device **** or its status, and questions on bugs, will not be answered.
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Is there any long-term plan to add different "flavors" of Ubuntu Touch with different desktop environments, like GNOME?
This is probably very low priority, but I wondered what it would feel like to use GNOME with Ubuntu Touch.
Alternatively, if someone were to do the work, would it be welcome as a contribution sometime in the far future?
@Plarde https://wiki.postmarketos.org/wiki/GNOME is relevant.
hello! I'd like to know if after noble the plan is to keep updating the ubuntu versions to like 24.10, 25.04 etc or noble will stay for a while and the focus will be on developing new features?
thank you very much
According to the question of @sap : What will happen to focal after the switch to noble? AFAIR there is LTS from Canonical-side (it wasn't there for xenial for our architecture), so will there be security-updates parallel to noble? I remember some Q&As earlier you said, every device that's capable of focal is also ready for noble, so that there's no need for focal-updates.
how is noble going? is there any status of.. for example "it is going very slow with a lot of issues under our feed that are slowing us down" or "we are moving slowly but without any big issues" or so
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