Onepluse6T change adduser and change password not work, passwd: Authentication token manipulation error
when I used command 'adduser' add a new user and change password by 'passwd' command, it show below error:
-- passwd: Authentication token manipulation error
-- passwd: password unchangedand used 'journalctl -t passwd' check the log, show 'pam_extrausers(passwd:chauthtok): user "newuser" does not exist in /var/lib/extrausers/passwd', and i added the user info in the show path try passwd command again, and it can update the password show:
-- Enter new UNIX password:
-- Retype new UNIX password:
-- passwd: password updated successfullybut actually it doesn't work,can not use the password login the user, and i run again the command ''journalctl -t passwd'' , it show error "gkr-pam: couldn't update the login keyring password: no old password was entered", I don't know how to solve this error, any guys can help this? thanks in advance!
Before going into the issue you are posting about, could you tell us what you are trying to achieve? Do you want to make your UT device multi user? Are you trying to change the password of the phablet user? Please let us know what your goal is, so we can avoid an X Y situation.
@arubislander thanks your response, And I want to use multiple user in my devices, so I add a new user and set the password, but it doesn't work for passwd, I search many solved case ,but didn't work for me, could you help give some advise? thanks!
@liam I am afraid that even if you could add a new user to your device, it would not work. At the moment UT is not yet ready to be used in a multi-user state. Too many parts of the OS still assume that phablet is the current and only user.
@arubislander ok, Thanks for your answer.