unable to install UT 20 or 16
i have a redmi note 9S bought especially for installing UT on it.
I have unlocked the bootloader by waiting env 170h.
the processing start well.
if i try to install the version 20 the phone don't succed to reboot in fastboot mode.
if i try the version 16 the phone succed to reboot in fastbootmode.
ubport installer download 14 files or something like that.
but the big trouble when ubport installer is waiting for the device using ADB driver it never find the device.
i tried on windows 10 and linux debian.
i have installed several drivers but always the same bug in eternal loop.
can you help me on this subject please ?
if it can be in french i will apreciate. but english is ok.
best regards.
hi thank you for your quick answer.
i read all.
i will try but not today.
best regards wotan
i succeded download the miflash tool and trouble shoot the driver bug by creating a folder called "Log" in teh same folder as Miflashtool. i'm now searching for the ROM because it seems too old to be present on xiaomi website. can you help me on that point please ?
thanks in advance.
the rom are here.
i haven't already downgraded the phone because the battery is too light but i'm charging it.
It works.
thank you a lot for your support.
the first link you send me was exactely what i was needing.
my redmi note 9S is now under ubuntu touch 20.
best regards wotan