Ubuntu Touch Q&A 158 Call for Questions
Ubuntu Touch Q&A 158 is this Saturday 8th Feb at 19:00 UTC. We really appreciate your questions and involvement in the Q&As, so please post your questions below and we will do our utmost to answer them.
Remember that questions on porting to device **** or its status, and questions on bugs, will not be answered.
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We repeatedly receive requests in the forum to port a device that has not yet been ported.
The communication option via Telegram chat does not always seem to be desired, but we offer it as the βonlyβ one.Couldn't we also create a group UBports Porting in the forum, where the most active portinghelper members (from the 1810) present themselves and name their skills, like rootfs, Halium, Vendor Blobs, or whatever?
It certainly wouldn't replace joining Telegram, but it might indicate how difficult such a port will be, and for the interested would-be porter-career comrades, make a learn and read section possible.
The status now, is seriously, kind of a secret pomposity, if you are not ready to register with Telegram yet. Also because you can't just poke around a bit.
Greetings Mario
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
@Mario.CH The porters are more active on Telegram than on the forums, because of the more immediate feedback that is possible with an instant messaging platform.
Very often the interaction goes something like:
a> I am having this problem ...
b> Have you tried such and such?
a> I have
c> What was the result?
a> <posts a link to the logs, preferably>
b> oh, you need to apply this patch, that should fix it.
a> how do I apply the patch?
As you might gather, such interactions do not really lend themselves to the message board format of a forum. -
Hi @arubislander,
I can already roughly imagine that, and with the search function in our forum, it would still not be very helpful.
So it would have to be processed, so a lot of work for someone.
It's a shame, because it would need a serious AI and not just a program that knows about probability calculations.Greetings Mario
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Hi @Mario.CH
Sorry we didn't take your question during the live show.
We didn't think it was the right place.But you raise a valid point, I actually share the same concern and raised a similar topic (before reading your question) to the board of trustees.
I hope we can make things better on this front. But it's a complex topic and it takes time to find the right answer.