How to integrate GOPreload in UBtouch?
There is an ideal script that caches files and libraries opened by application and optimizes startup time during normal startup. How to integrate similar script into Ubuntu Touch so that after updating, image does not overwrite user service. The increase is really high because it caches files in RAM, and startup speed on my desktop increases ~x4 times. It is especially noticeable on large packages like Steam, Blender, IDE and others. Why I was interested in using this script in Ubuntu Touch, compared to Android, Ubuntu Touch opens applications very, very slowly, and it is desirable to speed up this download, but it is undesirable to keep them running in the background. GOPreload is a really genious solution, and most importantly, it's easy to set up. It is also possible to enumerate libs, files in list and distribute it to all device images, then all Ubuntu Touch users will have faster software startup.