Hi everyone,
my account was blocked for contributing to Suyu emulator Nintendo Switch console, but now we have switched to suyu.dev git hosting. Attempts to negotiate with gitlab technical support are in vain, but github was unblocked to me because it is too large with many repos.
I active user UT.
I have my own PRs for my device, but maintainer Xioami Redmi Note 7 not active.
How do I continue to do PR or fixes in future, as in case oFono: https://gitlab.com/ubports/development/core/ofono-ubports/-/merge_requests/9
I can create new gitlab account without violating UBTouch contribution rules?

Best posts made by GermanAizek
[Nintendo DMCA] My Gitlab account is banned
Latest posts made by GermanAizek
How to integrate GOPreload in UBtouch?
There is an ideal script that caches files and libraries opened by application and optimizes startup time during normal startup. How to integrate similar script into Ubuntu Touch so that after updating, image does not overwrite user service. The increase is really high because it caches files in RAM, and startup speed on my desktop increases ~x4 times. It is especially noticeable on large packages like Steam, Blender, IDE and others. Why I was interested in using this script in Ubuntu Touch, compared to Android, Ubuntu Touch opens applications very, very slowly, and it is desirable to speed up this download, but it is undesirable to keep them running in the background. GOPreload is a really genious solution, and most importantly, it's easy to set up. It is also possible to enumerate libs, files in list and distribute it to all device images, then all Ubuntu Touch users will have faster software startup.
OpenGL Mesa renderer on Ubuntu Touch
How do I run OpenGL hardware acceleration Mesa renderer for app without GLES support on Ubuntu Touch?
Which useragent uses Ubuntu Touch?
Which useragent uses default browser and which third-party browsers use?
Do sites think that I'm visiting in with Linux Mobile or do they think it's Android OS? -
RE: Why are there so few UB ports on modern Samsung devices?
@Mario-CH, It's very strange because I was able to install Lineage OS on my Samsung M51 and on Samsung A52s 5G. And I had to unlock bootloader, having lost samsung knox.
Why are there so few UB ports on modern Samsung devices?
Samsung is a very popular brand, but Ubuntu Touch ports are mainly for old devices, who can answer what is difficulty porting devices to Samsung? and are there any problems in porting to devices before 2021?
RE: How to change IMEI on Mediatek in Ubuntu Touch?
@MrT10001 that is, in terms of protecting user from surveillance by cellular provider, it is impossible that data packet traffic is not analyzed based on single imei. Or is there still an Ubuntu Touch api for addressing-sending AT commands to modem when making your application for UT?
Has anyone tried to configure 'distcc cluster' from Ubuntu Touch phones?
distcc compiler allows you to compile programs on multiple devices simultaneously over LAN network, as well as taking into arm64 or other architecture.
Wired network cards work perfectly over OTG if chipset is open and have in kernel, although there is no icon for wired connection. There's a gear icon there.
RE: How to change IMEI on Mediatek in Ubuntu Touch?
@MrT10001 That is in this regard, does opensource mobile OS cope worse than usual AOSP or LineageOS?
RE: Locking 4G LTE
@Keneda yes, but now with 2g/3g/4g mode, modem eats a lot of battery by scanning different bands. I previously suggested editing the modes and adding "3G only" and "4g only" to oFono. But I was told that it is not a fact that it will work on all modems.
How to change IMEI on Mediatek in Ubuntu Touch?
Is it possible to change IMEI cellular modem in Ubuntu Touch?