Is trying to port this myself for the Pixel 2 XL even worth it? If it even works?
Title says it all
would it be worth my time working on this for the Pixel 2 XL?
@ericarthurc only you can answer if it worth your time
See if you have what you need to start ( and maybe ask in the Halium group if someone is working on that port already.
modules:composer.user_said_in, @ericarthurc, Is trying to port this myself for the Pixel 2 XL even worth it? If it even works?
Title says it all
would it be worth my time working on this for the Pixel 2 XL?
Well, if you really can't find any other reason after searching your soul, you could always fall back to the good 'ol hacker reason: "Because, I can!"
check out the link @advocatux gave you and give it a shot!
@doniks Oh I mean I definitely want to :D. I just heard somewhere that phones that came with 8.1 had some file system differences that were causing issues with this. And I know the Pixel 2 XL uses a a/b system partition format.
modules:composer.user_said_in, @ericarthurc, Is trying to port this myself for the Pixel 2 XL even worth it? If it even works?
@doniks Oh I mean I definitely want to :D. I just heard somewhere that phones that came with 8.1 had some file system differences that were causing issues with this.
mhm, not sure about file system differences, but 8.1 might impose some challenges. Halium must be able to deal with the android version. It shouldn't be impossible though and there was some work happening. You'd better check in the Halium irc/tg/matrix channel:
And I know the Pixel 2 XL uses a a/b system partition format.
I'm quite sure I've seen porters that had success with a/b partitioning schemes. I don't think this is a big problem. For starters, I guess you just only use one of them.
Did you have any luck porting to the Pixel 2XL?