@ollehell first of all, maybe you can change your post title to something less inflammatory? Thank you.
I don't have an FP2, I have a BQ E4.5 and a Nexus 5, an based on those models and my needs, I can tell you:
- The battery life is pretty good, specially in krillin and good enough to use hammerhead as my daily driver without any issue.
- With the exception of these well-known issues: https://github.com/ubports/morph-browser/issues, I don't have any relevant problem with Morph. It works great for me.
- Every app that I need works fine.
- I don't use anbox, I don't like anbox, and I don't like Android apps, so I can't comment on this point really.
The future will be what we (all of us, a.k.a. the community) make of it. This is a volunteer based project, so if you want to get a better experience "for you" you have to do your part too