Saw this off softpedia.com about a new tool to install off gnu + Linux.
Here's the video:
"Fairphone 2 (FP2) !!May not work!!"
I guess, someone tried it, and it did not work. Don't know, if it works now...
It's strange that some people don't choose to post here on the forums but must read here.
https://forums.ubports.com/user/mariusquabeck -
I looking into the tool a bit. It's made up of bash scripts and one can easily track down what it does. Well, easily is a relative thing : ) -
@apple.muncy With regards to the FP2-problem, Marius Quabeck just answered that "it's not working atm because the adb/fastboot part is "incomplete". The port is also not really well running so I think I will remove the fairphone soon."*
*(See comments there: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhKLfmBWE9w )
@apple.muncy @below-freezing you should know that it's not hard to find me on telegram, irc or even email (marius.quabeck@ubuntu.com)
The reason why the fp2 is not supported atm is that the device firmware is not that great. The user can not really tell visually between fastboot and recovery mode. Also the current UBports build doesn't boot. As soon as the current commits land in the next UBports stable OTA on the image-server I'll add the fairphone 2 to magic-device-tool again.
@MariusQuabeck FYI: https://forum.fairphone.com/t/fairphone-2-ubuntu-touch/23475