Axolotl 2.0.4 no 2nd Device registration working - how to fix ?
@ds2k5 Hi, I am afraid currently Axolotl does not work at all. There have (again) been changes to the signal api that break the current Axolotl implementation. Also not sure when (or even if) that can be fixed. I don't know enough about the details, just sharing the (bad) news.
@danfro Thank you for sharing!
@ds2k5 I don't know enough about the code to sqy what would help. We certainly can't simply copy sailfish apps over. They need to be adapted for UT. Axolotl2 already uses some sailfish code as far as I know.
But if you think you can help with coding please get in touch at
@ds2k5 What you could try (but no guarantees) is to replace your Signal app on Android with the Signal fork Molly. I'm running that on Waydroid and managed to connect it to Axolotl.
@ds2k5 I was replying to your first post in this thread.
What you could try (but no guarantees) is to replace your >Signal app on Android with the Signal fork Molly. I'm >running that on Waydroid and managed to connect it to >Axolotl.
did not work - got the same error
no device found at Molly same as in Signal
when try to pair -
@ds2k5 Okay, too bad. It was worth a try, it worked for me a while ago, presumably Molly has now caught up with Signal in ways that make it impossible to register Axolotl as a secondary device.
@Moem I am using Molly too, but I am unable to pair (no qr code shown in Axolotl2). Might depend on the Molly version maybe.
@danfro That sounds very likely! I'm using v7.8.1-2-FOSS but I'm not sure whether I ever updated it.
@Moem I am on 7.21.5-2 FOSS