Development testers for Anbox
Are you executing
adb install MobileAssistant_1.apk
on your PC? That would explain thepm: command not found
You have to transfer the apk to the phone and doadb install ...
there (assuming you have installed adb on the phone first; which by the output of dpkg is the case).
Basically this: -
@ingo thanks for the reply, I have install the apk successed
@mariogrip Excuse me. How can I build this : ?
I followed this step : and lunch anbox_armv7a_neon-userdebug
Using my built android.img can't work.
I still have a question, why use android-armhf-64binder.img instead of android-armhf-32binder.img -
@mariogrip Excuse me. Can you share your local anbox project to build android-armhf-64binder.img ?
when i use to build , There are a few 、anboxd 、 netd -
I want to test some of the applications we rely on. like : qq、weixin、etc.
for my building , network cat not work
I case anyone wants to run the Anbox AppManager by tapping on an icon, here is my .desktop file to do that:
[Desktop Entry] Name=Anbox AppManager Exec=/usr/bin/anbox launch --package=org.anbox.appmgr --component=org.anbox.appmgr.AppViewActivity Terminal=false Type=Application Icon=/home/phablet/.local/share/applications/anbox_logo.png X-Ubuntu-Touch=true
Save this as
The logo is this one:
I saved it asanbox_logo.png
on the phone in/home/phablet/.local/share/applications/
On my OnePlus One test phone, FDroid cannot find the network connection so cannot download its repositories. Has anyone with a OpO gotten it to work?
Have time to test anbox on Nexus5. Have lots of time after career as engineer, but am Newbie on Development testing!
@Frank great, with your expertise you'll get the hang of it in no time
@advocatux Thanks man!
@Frank you're welcome!
@baddea hi, just in case you don't know it, you can drag&drop an image on this forum
Also how to switch from headphone to speaker sound in ubports ?
@baddea you can only do it by plugging or unplugging the headphones jack afaik
@baddea Wow! Kodi produces a display in Anbox. Cool!
I think Anbox project is a great idea and I also would like to contribute, but I have only a BQ Aquaris E4.5. Will Anbox be supported also on this device in the future or will it be limited to the currently supported devices?
@jumpy88 IMO it doesn't make sense to try to run Android on any 1GB RAM device.
@advocatux I've no knowledge to answer, I don't know which are the requisites to run android services (but it would be very useful at this stage for Ubuntu Touch appealing to have access to the full play store for all the devices, while the community works to create native applications).