Future Touch
@3arn0wl Thanks for that. Well, I'd say Google will continue present form which looks to me to be geared towards: centralisation/control and profiling. Dropping Linux and Java is probably a really good move from their legal side of things. I think Fuchsia will be relatively open/accessible at first whilst it matures before they turn the screws*. They have to get the buy-in to hook then exploit the need-dependency culture.
I get it re the Librem approach, if that rolls well it strengthens the eco system and attracts other interested parties. Yes, I agree that is the right focus area because Android appears to have a finite future. I figure Google will construe obsolescence when they move on so Android isn't reanimated and used against them by competitors.
*I think the open-source &etc approach is too strong now for Google to go against it; the old business models eventually fail and must adapt and evolve. I cannot see Google using an old business model. They are also an innovative company. I suspect they will find a way to have all their cakes initially until the market is won over. "Do no evil" etc. is relative to one's perception of what evil actually is. It seems it's been a moving target all along and I don't expect their behaviour to change.
@umagellan There's another tenet as well:
Linux has always been about porting to existing hardware - often keeping hardware rendered obsolete going for much longer (something I'm particularly grateful for with my ancient laptop).As I understand it, the Halium Project might be useful in doing that with some of the Android phones laid to waste in the march of progress.
@3arn0wl Now that is very astute. You realise that UT could become the environmentalists champion in this regards? Another one of those hot media topics. There is mileage there if it's not approached from the "build it and they will come" mindset, which I find to be a false one outside of certain Hollywood films
@umagellan Well I personally long for the day when people wake up to the idiocy that is the consumer model we have at present: the amount of e-waste (and within that valuable materials) that we produce is simply awful. And actually, it is time that consumers hit these companies who indulge in planned obsolescence - the likes of Apple and Google - where it hurts: on their bottom
line!But I'm being political - apologies.
I do have to say though that the Halium project is a collection of like-minded groups coming together to find a fix for the Android problem.
(Pardon the formatting, i will try to update later on with links as well for those interested)
I have been along time user of Ubuntu Touch and it fits my need despite still running Android in the background and a few other issues.
I have now also been a long time user of Qubes OS, Xen virtualization for personal projects and cloud solutions, network appliances with Linux based OS, but also a lot of other diy projects based on Raspberry Pi within others so here are some recent thoughts:
(note that i am ignoring hardware for a minute, completely ignorant about lib hybris and halium so i take a user self perspective approach
Diy or iot in a phone, a phone presents all sensors and hardware for a security camera for example, therefore could Motion OS run in a container and access both cameras, etc... i won't suggest running alexa
More related to network and privacy, what about running Pi Hole in a container and block ads and dns spying... a Tor router... a file safe... a swiss army knife
Thinking about Qubes OS concepts, more control over all aspects of running containers could be made available, have proxys for all kind of traffic and offer further controls and visibility, ability to create alerts...
Still on the Qubes OS concepts, template containers pre-setup could be made available like "advanced applications", some with a web remote interface or other...
Taking a few step back, if virtualization is a path forward, imagine leaving things up to the user to decide what they run and/or where they supposedly "work", i mean, users who wants WhatsApp can run Anbox or a custom Android container, users who want Gimp, syncthing or other advanced application can run Ubuntu container(s)... maybe a SailFish container for another specific application...
On those thoughts, happy new year 2019 wherever you are
Peace -
@tera I think #1 is a very good idea from an environmental marketing perspective and given cheap-enough and commonly available phone types could tap into the maker/diy market very effectively and drive other adoptions from there.
@UmaGellan , i believe there are other projects in that sense like the Party or Twitter Photo Booth, popular in Company conferences recently. Also Web Panels could be interesting.
the main difference of UT compared to others is that it's open source. That's also its unique selling point. If you want something without a business model behind it, you choose open source.A business can have nice values and beautiful products, but a business is meant to be a money maker. To pay salaries and create income. Open Source communities are gathered around values and not for profit.
Products engineered, maintained and created by communities of users, designers and makers are better products in many ways. Knowledge and experience of all stakeholders are inherently included. The open structure makes it flexible and rapidly adaptable to user-whishes and ever-changing cultures.
If something is the story of UT, its open source character must be the story.
@UmaGellan your initial post sounds like a business plan.
We are a community and not a company, so many of those strategic decisions will never be made in this way or by the time when they are necessary. Its also not what Torvalds did with Linux - he just put it there. He had no idea what it will become, and today its used by millions of devices worldwide (take Android and its for sure close to billions xD)
We can steer roughly the course where the project might go, but we do not have the budget to campain for it. And we do not want to bind us to a few but potential sponsors, as they might become too influencial over time.
Any business that thinks there is value in modding UT to a proper shape can do so, its open source. We will make slow but steady improvements, but we are not in the position to attack any corporate market, be it even a niche.
@Flohack exactly. Open Source projects don't have to sell. The collective energy of the community determines the direction of the project. As the energy is continuesly changing and the members of the community have different interests over time, the shared story of the open project is also fluïd and continously adapting to its community dynamics. Its important that the current project story is told so the community is keeping itself vital and productive.