Collaboration platform for Ubports (and beyond)
yea you hace a point
I. Visuals ---> good question
II. Core ideas---> see core devices
III. The how?
IV. The why?
V. The challanges
VI. The questions ---> see here in the forummy first impression is...running upbort similary as a company runs? with projectplans gantcharts headoffice ....i had a bad feeling to go this far. ubport is comunity- driven/ freedom of choice. if you implement controll-structures, you must deal with more and more buerocratic static rules. the gap between new-commers and 'gantchart-experts' would higher.
more documentation means more people working on the documentation and not on the code. if we etablish a structure that fanboys (me as example) work on it and not the code-experts thats fine. i have the fear /frightened that this goes in a direction where people evolve create more and more mostly static ,structures and the time /space for creativ coding goes backwards. that a lot of peoples force the few codeexpets to work more and more in a static wikipedia-verse enviroment and there time for creativ coding goes backwards. how we prevent this happend ? i worry that in the end poeple like flohack write more red-tape-paperstuff and had no more time for coding.... -
Very true:) bureaucracy is the last thing we want. The idea is to make things simple, so the newcomer could get going really fast. This is the goal of this.
The main idea of documentation is to "describe how work happens within this team" and to "to write agreed things (results)" for fast reference. Documentation should be short.
Yes, we could create a bussiness, but the challange is - it creates beurocracy. But there are people, who perfectly like to deal with law, book-keeping and such (In the picture, there is a project for that) So those who don't like it, would be free not deal with it.
my fear is the following loop.
if i would etablish a controllstructure with the goal to engage more red-tape-liking people....more and more controllstructures of these kinds are growing over the years. the endline of this is more paperstuff / buerocracy. there muste be a controllstructure to prevent such uncontrolled growth of buerocracy. if the collaboration plan include that...than is fine -
so the chicken-egg problem. prevent to much controllstructures with a controllstruckture -
This platform is the structure in itself and it does create structure for natural collaboration to achieve great things.
Usually, everything is controlled by management and bureaucracy in our world, so things could work and organizations could achieve, otherwise people would not know what to do.
This idea is aimed to reduce the management and bureaucracy, and increase natural collaboration. To make natural collaboration work well as well as management does & achieve great things.
For example, bigger business is impossible with open source collaboration nowadays, but it could become possible.
sounds interesting
where is the sanbox to test it -
yea, it would be great to test it already
i think this would be a way to make the terms of rights thing transparent ( big storry copyright) there it would probably only go with a litte red-tape-buerocracy. gnu open source works only with respect for the other companys and there properitary code. in this case the collaboration-platform would bring more structure in this i feeling -
Will try to answer Dalton's question:
"1. The problems with the old system 2. Exactly how your system solves those problems"
- The problems
Kinda don't like to see old system as a problem, but to see s new system as an opportunity
But will qoute Florian: "One of the problems is, not everything is in the same place. Different domains, hard to remember, different placements of code between GH and LP (though now all is on github right), you need multiple credentials etc etc"
And my problem was, that there was a barrier, one needs to spend a lot of time to know areas to contribute to. And if one don't have much time, so people, I imagine, just give up and go to do their thing (like me at the beginning), but they could stay, if they could do it faster, without having to learn ton how to navigate everything before hand and think of the ways to put their input.
- Now the opportunities:)
Teams will benefit by:
- making some of their activities open for wider community to contribute (as simple as changing the permission setting on activity)
- maybe share all/most of their tasks open. This would solve a thing that now teams are pretty closed to the outside, so people cannot directly contribute to things happening.
- And hey, its somewhat simplified "project management system", with all the benefits that come with it.
New people will benefit by:
- seeing all projects in one place, and choose projects of their interest fast.
- learning about how to contribute to specific team in the short documentation nearby.
- would create new activities, ask questions, make discussionsm, offer ideas and contribute to existing action to the team without a barrier in the organized way.
- learning everything that has been done or what is happening now in the organized way (quicker learning)
The thing is - most people do not have much time, to be full members, and could still contribute their expertize if they could find things to help, fast.
Community will benefit:
- have a lot more teams in different fields (like design, documentation, translations, maybe bussiness) for everyone to follow and contribute to. Its very simple to create a project (like translations) by admins, like creating a new post. People would just start contributing to their field of interest organinically and teams would form.
Have not addressed things for developers, since not competent enough (know little about phone internals). Its for everyone to decide on their own how it would extend their workflow. Generally, I imagine it would be place for new people to talk to developers, and learn their workflow maybe. For example, there would be a project where people would learn how to test phones. Or Unity Interface project, where wider community could engage etc. One could say - forum does it now, but this platform - its a simplified project management system, does things in the different action oriented way. Just simply shorten the gap for end-users to engage with development of their phones.
P.S. I'm thinking how to combine organized activities (which includes discussion / ideas / tasks) with live-chat, since live chat is also so great. Maybe telegram integration in the future (maybe with dynamically created groups), or maybe it can be perfectly separate, like forum is today. Or maybe just copy-paste summaries from chat of good ideas, since this system can hold on so much more threads (since old topics close).
Now let's talk to prove or disprove:) these ideas. Since thats the goal this week.
Personally, I go point by point now, and its seems self evidently its good. For example, I ask the question "Is it good for teams to have open activities to contribute to? Would they even want to open things up in the first place?", and the answer is - the teams choose what to open up. So, this is flexible in any case. So don't know what else to say:D Just how the idea seems to you?:) Or maybe you notice some problem in the idea to solve?:) -
The week has passed, and we are going to the 2nd step - the design plan!
The idea got little attention or eagerness to develop within ubports. But idea lives on. It received some good comments, and nobody said its bad. It gives me some confidence. I decided to work on to develop it. Everything will be done in the open. If you want to get in touch or follow the news, go to our new site