Trouble setting up GTFSOffline (Android app I installed with Anbox)
Hello. I installed GTFSOffline via Anbox. It works fine, except I cannot copy the database of the transit feed, that it relies upon, in the path where it should go to.
The readme says that the database file should go "to the /sdcard/Android/data/com.wbrenna.gtfsoffline/files/ folder of the Android device."
But, when I checked with the Ubuntu Touch file manager, I was unable to access or even find any similar folder. And none of the folders named "data" seem accessible.
When I try to find it with the terminal (using the locate command), I get the following result:
phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ locate com.wbrenna.gtfsoffline/files /home/phablet/anbox-data/data/media/0/Android/data/com.wbrenna.gtfsoffline/files /home/phablet/anbox-data/rootfs/data/media/0/Android/data/com.wbrenna.gtfsoffline/files userdata/user-data/phablet/anbox-data/data/media/0/Android/data/com.wbrenna.gtfsoffline/files
When I try to access these locations, I'm told "Folder not accessible. Can not access userdata." (or "Can not access data").
Is there a way to fix this?
Also, when I open the preferences dialogue in the app, I notice I cannot return to the main window. Where is the back button in Ubuntu Touch?
Okay, I did manage to get the app to see the GTFS database. I used the terminal to copy it:
phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~/Downloads$ sudo cp toOct12.db /home/phablet/anbox-data/data/media/0/Android/data/com.wbrenna.gtfsoffline/files/
I originally tried it without sudo, but that didn't work. I'm not sure if the app is working yet, given its reliance on GPS. I'll have to test it outside tomorrow.
I'm still wondering where the back button is in Ubuntu Touch.
Unfortunately, as far as I know GPS doesn't work with Anbox.