Leading german newspaper the 'Süddeutsche' informs about data collection with smartphones
The Süddeutsche starts today with a large campaign to inform people how and which data is collected by smartphones. Only in german available: https://projekte.sueddeutsche.de/artikel/digital/digitale-privatsphaere-ueberwacht-und-verkauft-e784992/
Seems to be related to the NYT article:
https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/12/19/opinion/location-tracking-cell-phone.htmlNothing new really, but always nice to have some mainstream coverage of this.
If Halium would be working and if people can install UT on a large set of (even old) smartphones - I would write a message to Süddeutsche. But until only 'some' phones are available.... Hmm ;/ UT has some time left I would argue....