Invest at listed stocks out of linux area
Since a longer time I invest money into companies listed at stock exchanges. I am more or less specialized in the energy area and I hold (nearly) only companies who develop businesses or technologies to reduce or to handle climate change. My portfolio should include a ~75% reduction of CO2 which is caused by the companies I own shares of - compared to an world market average.
Now I would like to make a step into the information technology area. I am looking for companies who are involved in the developement of any kind of linux systems. I am not really soo interested in hardware developers - because their ecological impact is until now really bad. I am more interested in software developers. Because of some reasons I am NOT looking for companies listed in the MSCI World Index ( --> so the 1,700 biggest listed companies are not on my list.
Maybe here is somebody involved or interested at that topic? I was looking now for a while and this is not an easy market. Here my first 2 'objects' which I find very interesting:
VMware -
What do you think - do you have better ideas?
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