C.o.Name [A2] : When is the date ? & how about dedicating it to a team member ?
Not sure this is the correct place - but it seems very pertinent to the video I watched of the ubports meeting last week.
Anyway, there was talk of a change of name for the projekt.
How would I know anything about the projekt (I am Belgian
) - well I have commented on the youtube videos
and here on these forums.It's best to keep these posts short - but hows about changing the name of the projekt, and deicating it to an Ubports key member ? ...... Flo
He's by far the most ' fair to middling ' of all the users that I have watched on the ubports youtube channel.
Ofcourse, he wouldn't like it if we just took the guy's name - so lets use the word "flo" and I suggest calling the
new Ubports "Overflow" - because the patreons keep giving and supporting the developers' story.
Love the github page - and I have seen alot of growth in the telegram group.
Thanks for the flowers. But the project should not honor a single person for their credit. Its the community that makes it big. I would not accept a name similar to mine, nor I would assume leadership.We are preparing another way to give the project a structure and more focus. Watch todays Q&A for more infos