Privileged ICE contacts and medical information available on lockscreen [WORK IN PROGRESS]
@Rondarius You could upload it to Imgur and post a link.
@C0n57an71n :
Thank you for your offer to get involved in this I.C.E. Project.Happy to have you onboard!
As you may have seen already @Rondarius made his first .gif (see his latest comments). I had a chat with him yesterday and although his effort is appreciated and the message of the .gif is clear to what we want to achieve we concluded we could use professional input and skills for a good design for the lock screen in UT style. I suggested to @Rondarius to ping you and he agreed.
I don't know if you're into any sort of animated design. You could help by making a concept design for the lockscreen that is recognizable, subtle and distinctive. I'm well aware that your designs are abstract (reason why I like your designs), so I hope it could have both your design and appealing design for every user to enable the ICE app/feature and to convince the devs to have it included in a new lockscreen format (other than the Circle).
Based on the screenshot by Rondarius a design as wide as the notifications would be a nice start I think. It could be on top of that by default. Any other input is welcome.
Thank you!
If 17MB file worked nice when "gifed", then the optimised 400KB one should to, they are some tips to know for optimisation.But like said Moem, you could upload to imgur, over 4MB files will be made MP4 but anyway, like that you can share it with us ^^
?? Imgur has no option to deny/limit cookies ?? -
WOW, this took 17MB in GIF?!?
Can you put me the original, not giffed (maybe XCF?), file on a share file website i must investigate this lol...
No I cut the original image in half, it's 3.8 MB.
Even 3.8MB sounds tremandous!That kind of gif should be 100Ko max with no loss when optimised.
65Ko ^^
@3T_Ed said in Privileged ICE contacts and medical information available on lockscreen [WORK IN PROGRESS]:
?? Imgur has no option to deny/limit cookies ??I don't think so, like to many website it's "accept or leave"...
@Keneda Then I'm doing something wrong :face_with_tears_of_joy:
If you want to see what it looks like untouched by imgur (imgur tends to modify images) : -
@Keneda Thanks it looks really good
Personally I think your beginning to drift from your first ideas a bit. If it's simple easy to understand at a quick glance wherever in the world you are or use it all the better. That should also help with where it ends up on the device as well, but as I said just my personal thoughts.
Hoping it will help you for your next GIF ^^ -
@Keneda Yes I think I get the point, I will try it out later, thanks again.
@Lakotaubp I don't know what is wrong or what is right in this topic, I just wanted to give another point of view when it comes to making the icon more noticable. If this is the wrong way to go then it's fine by me:thumbs_up:
I just feel that using the Star of Life as the image for the app would be wrong. The Star of Life itself has nothing with medical infomation about the owner, associated with it.
The image I used and tweeked was the official image from the person who came up with ICE from the beginning(lack of insperation:smiling_face:).
And yes we got a little of topic here at the end, almost a how to in making gifs:smiling_face:
@Rondarius That's why I said "personally"
it's not up to me what you end up with. It's a good idea I think a lot of people want to see completed.
@Lakotaubp yes, I know, I wasn't offended in any way. We are all here to give our own points of views and ideas :smiling_face:
@Lakotaubp said in Privileged ICE contacts and medical information available on lockscreen [WORK IN PROGRESS]:
It's a good idea I think a lot of people want to see completed.
Do you mean the .gif or the ICE app as a whole people want to see completed?
I believe the people on this thread would like to see the feature be integrated in UT, not just the app. Although I'm grateful to @syper for creating the 'proof of concept', the importance of an ICE feature in my opinion should justify the necessity to have it implemented as a worthy and full supported feature in Lomiri lockscreen. It has the potential to safe lives, what more important feature could there be to any mobile device?
"A lot of people want to see it completed" should indicate that developers and designers would take interest in this thread and take on the challenge, right?
From where I stand, currently the people who really want to see it completed are trying hard, neither of them being able/having the skills to really push it forward. We are simply waiting for
a. @syper to take the app to the next level or
b. UBports committing to have the feature be integrated in Lomiri.Meanwhile we are merely playing around with .gif's and exchanging thoughts knowing we can't push this project on our own.
We can only wait for some real expertise and hands on mentality to be brought in to have the ICE feature become a reality (as it was intended to be -> see OP). There are a lot of opportunities here and we all know the devs have a lot on their plate. Nevertheless I sincerely wish UBports would have it on their priority list.
Edit: as a positive addition, @C0n57an71n generously offered his help
@Rondarius said in Privileged ICE contacts and medical information available on lockscreen [WORK IN PROGRESS]:
I just feel that using the Star of Life as the image for the app would be wrong. The Star of Life itself has nothing with medical infomation about the owner, associated with it.
Then we disagree (which is normal and fine). I feel that the Star of Life is suitable because it has such strong associations with
- medical stuff
- emergencies
And also because medical personnel or volunteers with First Aid training will be so familiar with the symbol that it will attract their attention.
There's a reason why similar symbols are often used on medical alert pendants like these: