Cannot get Lightdm to start / boot loop
Hi everyone!
I'm trying to port to the nexus 5X (bullhead)When starting the device for the first time, i got stuck in a boot loop, probably because of LightDM crashing. Disabling autostart bu adding "manual" to /etc/init/lightdm.override solved this.
Now i'm trying to find the cause of this problem, mostly by following the documentation.
The Android container is running (checked with
sudo lxc-info -n android
)I've also checked mounted partitions.
Wifi is working, so i have installed
and typed the following commandssudo unity-system-compositor --debug-without-dm &> ~/usc.log sudo gdb -ex 'set confirm off' -ex 'run' -ex 'bt full' -ex quit --args unity-system-compositor --debug-without-dm &> ~/usc-gdb.log sudo /system/bin/logcat -d &> ~/usc-logcat.log
Then, after rebooting, and starting lightdm with
sudo service lightdm start
,checked the logs and here is the contentusc-gdb.log:
sudo: gdb: command not found
usc.log: :
CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE "/system/bin/logcat": "/android/system/lib/" is 32-bit instead of 64-bit
The last one is kinda worrying
i used the rootfs mentionned in your documentation
I'm not sure where to llok next
@pelomedusa Might well be not remembering correctly but think many have tried and given up on the Nexus 5x. There is a big reason why it is not supported just cant remember what . Sorry to have to give you that info.
Did you check if the /vendor partition is mounted correctly? Also, you probably need to change a symlink to get it into the right place. Plz join Telegram porting group, the forum i s not a good place to help you.
So disabling lightdm is the right thing for the moment, but please try first to debug the Android container before you try anything else on UT side. In your case, we need a logcat, try
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/system/lib64:/vendor/lib64 /system/bin/logcat
and then alsoEGL_PLATFORM=hwcomposer test_hwcomposer
should run without a crash first