A "simple" question, will I be able to run Ubuntu Touch on my Lenovo Yoga Smart Tab 10,1" tablet wi-fi 64 GB, as in NOT on top of Android but replacing the Android OS?
Best regards and thanks in advanced for your time, and of cause a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.
@damholt Only if it is possible to port it details here https://forums.ubports.com/topic/2068/halium-first-steps You might be better trying standard Ubuntu or one of it's variants but don't know if that is even possible.
@lakotaubp AWESOME
and thank you so much for taking you time with me, very kind of you.
As fare, as I see it my tablet runs Android Version 9.0 aka so fare so good... I'm so very new in traffic here, and while Santa didn't have time to wipe it and put on Ubuntu Touch... I'll have to try it out on my own, with all the help I can get
You, the porter, need to build Halium (i.e. halium-boot.img and system.img) and install these together with the Ubuntu Touch rootfs in order to create a functioning Ubuntu Touch port.
Halium is built using source code for a modified version of the Android operating system called LineageOS. The required source code is available online and needs to be downloaded and configured to build the correct Halium version for each individual device port. The table below shows which versions are required for the different Halium versions.
Android version 7.1 - 9.0
Halium version 7.1 - 9.0
Lineage OS (LOS) 14.1 - 16.0 -
@damholt Since the tablet is Android 9 based, it would be needed to do a Halium 9 port.
But you still need device, kernel and vendor sources to build Halium.
And after a first short search in the www, I did not find any sources for this device.