Installing ubuntu touch from twrp.
I would like to install ubuntu touch from Twrp.
Any help? -
@johirhaquedipok I think you need to explain first why
Using the Ubports installer is much easier.
I think it is possible to flash TWRP again into the recovery once UT is installed, but not 100% sure. -
@johirhaquedipok You don't need twrp for the OPO the installer does it all. It is used on the OP3/T to wipe cache and format data to ext4 but thats all.
@povoq I know it's easy with installer. But I failed to connect the phone in adb fasboot moode with the pc.
@lakotaubp I know that. But I can't connect in fastboot moode.
@johirhaquedipok What OS are you using? Dev mode, usb debugging, bootloader unlocked? all the normal just checking.
@lakotaubp said in Installing ubuntu touch from twrp.:
@johirhaquedipok What OS are you using? Dev mode, usb debugging, bootloader unlocked? all the normal just checking.
im in the same boat here, all the guides are pretty old, I've tries the recent ones I can find and so far can't progress past "flashing firmware.." with the phone showing "fastboot mode"
how many hours does the process take? does certain options like "wipe user data" need to be toggled off for the oneplus one? very confused as lots of places saying the ubports installer is good nowadays to do this, ive been trying on and off for about 2 months and can't make progress
the phone is in dev mode, ive installed android sdk, ive tried installing another mini tool from some forum thats supposed to put adb and fastboot working in windows 10
no idea what to try next but I have a hunch a lot of people are not trying out ubuntu touch as they run into an issue like this and all the trouble shooting on it is from more than a year or more back
@povoq is there a common cause for oneplus one to just hang on "flashing firmware" with the phone showing "fastboot mode" and then it just stays that way for as long as I leave it running?
@kaveman You need to use installer 0.8.6 (there is an issue with .7) or earlier and it's best to have 15 sec adb from xda developers on your windows pc. Please remove all others first. The OPO needs dev mode on, usb debugging on, mtp trabsfer and an unlocked bootloader ( the installer may do this ifnot instructions are on the net) and you need to accept the fastboot/adb connection on your phone ( there will be a popup window on the phone). Then just follow the installer instructions. I would chose the wipe and bootstrap options when given.
You are best flashing from the original device OS so the partitions are not altered. Try a few cables as they can be a big issue and good luck. It's late forme so I will be back tomorrow. If you need help tonight try here though it is latefor many and the weekend.