Cell Service Providers for Nexus 5?
@dobey I am not here to argue. I was just trying to help using the information I had being in North America and having to deal with carriers dropping bands. The problem is even bigger as the bands are dropped regionally so for one person it may work and for another it will not. It is often that low usage areas keep their old bands longer as they are not seen as worth the cost to upgrade the towers in those areas but busy places get new hardware and lose support sooner.
We are both correct. If I go on eBay and search "Nexus 5" I will not only get one compatible with US carriers because there are at least two model variations of nexus 5 so you can not just say that the Nexus 5 is compatible either. But as you say if you get a specific version of the Nexus 5 it is compatible in the US on certain carriers for a limited time.
@fitz I don't know if they will give you one or not. You'll have to go into the store and see I guess.
@dobey Okay. I'll try that. Will report back. Thanks!
@fitz @dobey You can purchase sim adaptators https://www.amazon.fr/adaptateur-sim/s?k=adaptateur+sim
@keneda Yes, though they tend to not work well, in my experience.
@fitz Walmart Family Mobile runs my Nexus 4 just fine and it's 3G. Fairly confident it will run your Nexus 5 with a BYOD kit.
EDIT: which means Tracfone and other affiliates like Net10 likely will also.
I'm using my Nexus 5 with T-Mobile for a whopping $15.00 a month, BUT no data which is fine with me. If I want any data I find WiFi and I'm good to go.
@dobey and @Keneda and @TotalRando Went to T Mobile. They had adapters and set me up with a prepaid month on 2G for $15. Works fine, but like @Lt-Dillinger said... no data. That's fine with me too, but I'm also setting up a couple other Nexus 5's for my friends. They'd like to have a data plan, so I'll look into the Walmart situation for them. Thanks guys. That was all very helpful! Oh. What's a BYOD kit?
@fitz Bring Your Own Device. Basically a bunch of different SIM cards depending on which carrier was unlocked.
@fitz i went through this a month or so ago. Verizon and t-mobile would not activate. I have used ATT through net10 and tracfone. Get a tracfone byod sim kit for 1 dollar and 15 dollar air time card at you local big box store. easy activation for new number using att sim. Easy check for only 16 bux. After proving i could get the phone to work I ported my number to net10 successfully but that was a bigger ordeal. Net10 had better plan for my usage.
@fitz Weird that data isn't working. Are you sure you didn't understand it wrong? You get up to 2GB of data per month with T-Mobile Connect (which is the $15/2GB plan). I don't see anything about 2g network only on their site.
@totalrando Gotcha. Thanks.
@fitz No problem. I should mention I do get some sort of data on my plan (I assume 3G and a little 2G) on my Nexus 4.
@nigel-tufnel Okay. Thanks. I actually went to ATT before going to T Mobile. The kid there wasn't able to get my phone working, but perhaps he didn't know what he was doing. The phone connected to their network for a few seconds, but then disconnected and couldn't reconnect. As I said above, I am now connected on T Mobile... but without data. Are you able to get data through net10?
@dobey Perhaps they set me up with the wrong plan. They do have a no data plan. I'm going back in today or tomorrow to check.
@totalrando Good to hear.
@fitz Hmm, maybe I'll stop buy local store here and see if I can get one of the $15 connect SIMs, later.
@dobey Okay. So I had my phone set to "2G only." After switching to "2G/3G/4G," I'm all over the internet smokin' fast. This works as well as my iPhone. I am stoked! Thanks again to everyone here. I never would have figured this out without your help because all the service providers (including T Mobile) claim they don't support these phones.
@fitz Great! Glad you've got it working. Enjoy!
@fitz Make sure to tell customer service how well it works. You'd be surprised at how quickly they'll adopt that into their verbiage. :beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes: