How can I reinstall the operating system?
I installed Ubuntu Touch on the Samsung S3 Neo but something doesn’t work: at the beginning it remained the Samsung logo and the camera app only works the selfie.
How can I reinstall the operating system?
:cat_face: -
@kunai this is a fairly recent port. I am not sure the boot screen gets replaced with Yumi (the UBports' mascot).
Also not sure if both camera's work yet. -
From my testing so far, the rear camera still doesn't work. It will also occasionally hang at the boot screen, which may (may) be related to battery charging (i.e. it hangs on one of mine that has a dodgy USB port every so often but will boot eventually. It sounds as though yours is working OK, just persevere. I wouldn't use it as a daily driver yet on this phone, but overall it works for me.
Hello, thank you for your comments but, in fact, you have not answered my simple question: how can I reinstall Ubuntu Touch?
I know Ubuntu, the big brother for desktop, and then I would know how to do it.
But in the case of Ubuntu Touch I am ignorant in the matter.
What can I do about it?
:cat_face: -
@kunai Use the UBports installer and make sure you uncheck wipe data if you want to retain your data.
Hello kugiigi,
Thank you for your concise and clear answer.
I’ll try to follow your instructions.