Hello i followed the Tutorial from Halium (https://docs.halium.org/en/latest/porting/get-sources.html#the-device-repository). but I dont know what I need to put in the remote and revision text.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <manifest> <project path="device/huawei/kiwi" name="android_device_huawei_kiwi" remote="[remote]" revision="[revision]" /> </manifest>
@bwlok Can I ask what you are attempting? I did not think the bootloader could be unlocked on Huawei devices which is why none have been ported .
@lakotaubp im trying to port ubuntu touch and I have already unlocked the bootloader
@bwlok My info and understanding on this is it is still a non starter. Sorry
how about trying:
(halium 9)
huawei_kiwi.xml:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <manifest> <remote name="LineageOS" fetch="https://github.com/LineageOS" revision="lineage-16.0"/> <remote name="TheMuppets" fetch="https://github.com/TheMuppets" revision="lineage-16.0" /> <project path="device/huawei/kiwi" name="android_device_huawei_kiwi" remote="LineageOS" revision="lineage-16.0" /> <project path="kernel/huawei/kiwi" name="android_kernel_huawei_kiwi" remote="LineageOS" revision="lineage-16.0" /> <project path="vendor/huawei/" name="proprietary_vendor_huawei" remote="TheMuppets" revision="lineage-16.0" /> </manifest>