Waydroid on Fairphone 3: No access to navigation buttons at the bottom of screen
only the upper half of the navigation buttons at the bottom of the android screen can be seen. Therefore the buttons can't be tapped and I am unable to navigate.
Thanks in advance for any help! -
@muskist you need to change waydroid.props settings you can try this into a terminal window type:
waydroid prop set persist.waydroid.height_padding 70
See if this put your navagation button higer if not play with the number as this is used for a Volla Phone.
@ruditimmer Thanks, that worked out fine.
One more question: isn't it supposed to be stored in ~/wayland/data/property/persistent_properties? However, that file hasn't changed. -
@muskist As far i know it's into the props file...
@ruditimmer Can't find that one. Anyway, thanks! I'll mark this solved.