Hey everyone, i just load ubport to my pinephone. Phone, sms and wifi works but cellular internet will not work on it for some reason. Does anyone know what could be wrong?
@csanderson0313 Is this on Stable, Release Candidate, or Development?
I tried yesterday and the modem was available only on the Stable channel. I do have Biktorjg' firmware on my modem, so I thought that was the issue.
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Do you know what 'version' you are on? and also the 'channel' (stable, release cadidate, development) as already suggested above. Go to updates in system settings to have a look, also see if there are any updates available in case you have installed an older version.
Also maybe let us know your country and provider, someone may have some specific knowledge to help you.
I'm on a pinephone on version 858 on development channel in NZ working well. -
@moncon @mark1250
I am on dev channel. Right now i am on an older verison because was checking if that would fix. Since changing to older verison, it will work off and on now. More not working then working.do i need to update the vpn once load it? My provider is t-mobile and in usa. Thank you guys! -
I can't help you with the VPN settings, I've never got one set up on my PinePhone, but maybe disable it to see if that fixes your internet connection or not and points you at the VPN settings or not.
Also have a look at your APN settings in System Settings/Mobile/Carrier & APN/APN to see if they look okay, I found this webpage that may have the settings you require:
Or you may find other settings online to try.One other thing I remember is that there are slightly different variants of PinePhone:
I'm not sure if this is significant at all.There's also the Pine64 forum that may shed some light on the issue:
Hope some of this helps. -
Like @MonCon I don't know much about setting up and using a VPN.
For troubleshooting, I always start simple and build on it to find the layer that creates the problem. So I would disable the VPN and do some testing on the Stable Channel. Also, you say you have no cellular internet. Do you get an ip address from your carrier? If you get an ip address try pinging google.com . If the ping doesn't work try Then you can see if it's a DNS issue.
I'm also in the USA, but I'm using MVNO Redpocket on AT&T.
I'm currently using PostmarketOs on my original generation Pinephone as the Stable Channel has issues with the modem disappearing resulting is missed calls/texts and sometimes the screen wouldn't wake up after leaving the phone sit for some period of time. And, on the Development Channel the modem is not detected by Ubuntu Touch so it's not much of a phone without the modem. - The no modem on the Development Channel could be due to me using Biktorgj's firmware on the modem.
@mark1250 @MonCon
Thank you guys. I meant apn not vpn. I will check into it. Hopefully i can get it going good.