Whence Installing to thy device......
To prevent necroing on the last thread (reviving an old thread for the uninitiated), I got my hands on another slippery eel, I mean a Oneplus 3T. (I often wonder why I get them with smashed screens, try picking one up without a case and it literally flies out of your hand and as the law of gravity (sod) always means it lands face down, usually finding a suitable bit of gravel or screw for the screen to connect with... Anyhow I digress). Wooot, lets get installing UT on it. So followed all the instructions to make sure and at around 70% or at the same point every time. connection would be lost...
After a bit of faffing, found out what the issue was... DATA had not formatted to EXT4 even though I definitely had done this, I know I had done this. 5th attempt and it was definitely formatted to EXT4...
Then all installed perfectly. Apart from the shiny slippiness of the phone, it is really nice and fast.Advice, get a grippy cover and double, triple check you have formatted the partitions to EXT4 and it has stayed there!
@mrt10001 Not just me then
my OP3 easmore work than the OP5 ever was.
@lakotaubp I agree, but the Oneplus 6 was so much easier. My next rant will be on how rubbish Xiaomi are - not the devices, but unlocking the devices..
@mrt10001 Yep seems a pain so I'm not going there. Might try a OP6 at some point but Iseem to stick to odd numbers as far as OP go 1,3,and 5. Also a little rant is not too bad every now and then, better than the infamous wall/floor bounce.