How to run WebAssembly in click package (html template)
I have a question regarding Web Assembly. I was trying to see whether I can compile the content of to Web Assembly and run it on my UT device. As a first step, I followed roughly the steps described in (serving from a libertine container using python, and navigating to the content with the Morph browser). That worked fine, I can copy the files that I compiled on my desktop computer on my phone and run them.
Then I tried to package the content in a click app. For this, I created a new app using "clickable new" and selected the html template. I copied all the files from above to the "www" folder. Clickable generates the click package without a problem. But when I run the app on my phone, I get an error: "Make sure you use a modern browser with WebGL and WASM enabled."
Can you help me understand why the first approach works, but the second one does not? Is this a fundamental limitation of click packages vs. the Morph browser, or am I just missing some settings in my clickable project?I'm interested in this, because I think if that works, I can create applications for use on my desktop and tablet, but also on the phone while using mostly the exact same codebase. I think that would be very handy, as the library comes with touch/multitouch support also.