Can't install UBport on Fairphone3+ the ubports-installer won't find the phone
@luksus yep it worked, and has automatically updated to halium after installation and next reboot...
now I have another problem, maybe I have to reinstall ubports again, maybe I have killed it, because I wanted to install an Android emulation but insted of installing Waydroid I've installed Anbox, wich seems to me very outdated right?
And I maybe also have killed the system because I did the
apt update apt upgrade
... :astonished_face:
it's now not possible for me to remove anbox,
apt remove anbox
hasn't worked...
So I think it's maybe better to reinstal ubports and after it installing "Waydroid" with the
"Waydroid Helper"'nt it possible to install programs via apt ?
@picrard yes, just reinstall using ubports installer. It is not needed to wipe data again. Bootstrap option is not neccesary too.
Then just run waydroidhelper again.
You can install things using apt, but it is not recommended and therefor not officially supported.
You would need to make the rootfs writeable for such things... I think there are enough topics about it here in the forum.And never ever use apt upgrade!
I also had to wipe the whole data, without was maybe not enough, because I think that Anbox has to be completely deleted on the phone, without wiping my whole data Anbox was still on the phone, and I still wasn't able to start Waydroid....
After starting a completely new installation I was able to start the Waydroid after using the Waydroid installer from the AppStore...
... now I must try to install something which cooperates with google, maybe Gmicro(Or, what was the name using in /e/ ???)
because my banking software needs connection to googleand Waydroid doesn't cooperate with WIFI or Bluetooth, right ?
But many thank
@picrard The instructions for allowing G apps are in here along with which other services need to be activated.
@lakotaubp many thanks, that worked for me ... great .. have now installed the microG, workes great, I think maybe better than on /e/...