I am not responsible for bricked devices
I have start the port of UT on LG Nexus 5X(bullhead), current state, what work :
Touch Screen
Camera (on first boot if system tell you for permission, just reboot phone)
GPS (tested with uNav)
What not work yet:
How to install :
1- Download this ubuntu-touch-bullhead-v02.zip
2- Backup your data, boot, vendor partition (system not needed) if you want return back to your current rom
3- Format data partition (format to remove any encryption setting)
4- Copy ubuntu-touch-bullhead-v02.zip in internal disk of your phone
5- install ubuntu-touch-bullhead-v02.zip like regular ROM
6- reboot.Password : 1111
- for wifi you must wait few seconds
- for camera, first boot maybe will not work (permission missing), so reboot phone after setup it.
Best Regards
K Keneda moved this topic from LG on
Old topic, necroing this thread....
Just tested with voice on the telephony. No sound or voice is being transmitted or received.