Fastboot/USB not recognized but can see when booted into UT
I have a JIngPad A1 running UT. I want to try something and need to use a flash tool in windows.
When booted into UT both my windoes machine and my MX Linux machine can see and manipulate the tablet. I rebooted into both recovery and bootloader via terminal when booted into UT and neither machine can see the tablet.
I re installed windoes drivers and sdk platform tools....even though this is the windoes machine I used to unlock the bootloader and install UT.
I have rebooted the laptop and the tablet and tried again to no avail. I have the flash tool open on my windoes machine and at some point during the middle of a reboot it saw the tablet and started loading the file then showed "failed: User cancel" after only a few seconds as the tablet either rebooted or finished booting into UT. Can't remember exaclty what I was doing as I had done it several times and it randomly caught the tablet for a few seconds.
I have tried different usb ports and different cables as well.
The Jingpad is and has been a nightmare to work with from day 1.
Thanks in advance for any possible solutions.
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