Is Lenovo M10 3rd gen likely to work with Ubuntu touch?
I am new to both tablets and Ubuntu touch, but have used Linux for quite a while now.. So 'a little bit of tinkering required' to make it work would be acceptable
This is the specific version that I have my eyes on:
model name: Lenovo ZAAE0000SE
https://www.elgiganten.dk/product/mobil-tablet-smartwatch/tablet/lenovo-tab-m10-3-gen-101-tablet/499981#specificationsIt sounds like the 2nd generation should be well supported already?
I like this tablet because of the screen resolution, and I suspect that I would quickly regret buying the 2nd generation with the lower resolution. -
As far as I know, there isn't a port for it. As long as there isn't one, it cannot work. And making one would involve more than a little bit of tinkering.
Read a bit about it, and see whether you might be up for it, and whether the tablet is suitable. If this is a thing you can make happen, people will love you for it!
https://docs.ubports.com/porting -
L Lakotaubp moved this topic from Lenovo on
I have moved your post, please see https://forums.ubports.com/topic/206/will-you-port-to-device-x and https://forums.ubports.com/topic/2068/halium-first-steps/1 just in case you want to have a go.