Anyone could provide link/steps to follow to get the proper drivers for second cam and GPS on my 9C NFC?
The second camera is not working and the camera switch falls back to the main camera
The GPS does not catch signal even after laying an hour near window, active screen (no screen lock)
So I assume none of these is actually working, is there any solution to these issues, or is that more like "just deal with it", I mean I don't literally NEED them, but it would be nice to make this phone fully functional.
@acies according to the devices site:
gps doesnt seem to work properly. maybe try to contact the porter(s) directly? good luck! -
@messayisto Yup, he pointed me to telegram, which I do not have, did not manage to create, since you obviously need an Android/iOS device for that (or idk, cannot create an account in browser/teleport app), and the only android device I had, I immediatelly flashed to UT.
Really not willing to flash it back and forward just to create account on app I do not even want to use.
IDK why there aren't solutions for driver issues public on forum, it would make the whole UT project more viable.
The Cam/GPS issue I have also seen in git/issues unresolved.
IDK if I should mark this "solved" now since it is not solved, but seem at dead end.
I will probably keep it as it is, because someone could buy the same phone only for this (UT) purpose, ending up being disappointed as well...
@acies I must admit I am̀ a little lost in this telegram issue. maybe ask in the forum under app development? Sorry that I cannot help further...
@acies Hi! Unfortunately we need to somehow debug this issue together, use values that the device spits and then adapt the driver. I can make a Matrix bridge to telegram if you wish so. I'll be waiting in private chats
K Keneda moved this topic from Devices on