App crash with pthread_mutex_unlock assertion
My application "Ear Trainer" ( is crashing from time to time on Volla phone 22 with
ubportsUbuntu Touch 16.04. The app uses QSoundEffect to play sounds. The error is as follows:Assertion 'pthread_mutex_unlock(&m->mutex)==0' failed at pulsecore/mutex-posix.c:108, function pa_mutex_unlock(). Aborting.
I found similar bug reports related to ubuntu 16.04 (although running under WSL):
And it seems that the fix was to use a newer version of ubuntu. So I kind of expect that update to 20.04 should fix this issue (I plan to update after OTA2 or OTA3). But I would still like to ask if somebody knows more about this issue and if there is some workaround to prevent my app crashing in case it happens also on devices that might not get 20.04 update.Thanks a lot