Hi , I am new to UT.
I have cloned the main lomiri repo and making changes in the src qml files for greeter service.-
What font types I can use ? Are all ubuntu based fonts supported like Arial or TimersNewRoman fonts .
I want to say
font.family; Arial -
If No then why not and if yes then how can i define my custom font and which src files to change ?
Question#2 :
In qml file i have put console.log statements at many places. how can i see those statements when i interact with pinprompt.qml page for example. I have done journalctl -f -u lomiri-full-greeter.service but not seeing my console.log msgs
please advise
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@nibzy26 said in New Custom Font:
Question#2 :
In qml file i have put console.log statements at many places. how can i see those statements when i interact with pinprompt.qml page for example. I have done journalctl -f -u lomiri-full-greeter.service but not seeing my console.log msgs
please advise
Sorry, only can answer the #2,
Do you restart Lomiri when doing any changes ?
systemctl --user restart lomiri-full-greeter.service -
@nibzy26 In QML, the correct way is
font.family: "Arial"
(: not ; and Arial is a string so it should be with quotes).
All fonts supported by Ubuntu should be available on UT too.
I just checked the Arial font and it is available -
@ikoz Thanks
Thats good. should the font support be in qml or in UT ?
where can i see the font files to confirm which other fonts are supported on UT ? the ttf files in /usr/share somewhere ?Regards
@nibzy26 said in New Custom Font:
... should the font support be in qml or in UT ?
Whatever fonts are available to the system are also available in QML. It is not a separate environment or anything.
where can i see the font files to confirm which other fonts are supported on UT ? the ttf files in /usr/share somewhere ?
Fonts can be found in the same places as regular desktop Ubuntu. A quick web search will turn up the info you are looking for.
By the way fc-list | grep -irne "arial" gives lot of output on my ubuntu PC but gives nothing on my UT redmi phone. I have installed Ubuntu 20.04 on my phone using ub ports installer
Just curious How did you check ?
@ikoz said in New Custom Font:
All fonts supported by Ubuntu should be available on UT too.
This is not necessarily the case, as due to base image size concerns / constraints for certain devices, a selection might have been made to not include some.
But any missing fonts can be added to the users $HOME/.fonts folder, if you are looking at personal customization. -
@nibzy26 I checked by changing the font in a clickable example app.