Today tried Teleports but can't get it to work. The problem here is I don't get a Telegram message with a verification code.
I installed Telegram on my iPhone. After that I installed Telegram on Waydroid. Waydroid ask for a verificationcode that I could find on the iPhone in Telegram. Then I installed Teleports, which alse sends a message to my Telegram account, but I'm not getting any.
Even the desktop version is working ok in Ubuntu desktop.
Code was send for a couple of times now. Also installed an older version of Teleports (from de online UBports store) but this doesn't do it eather.
Any ideas here?
I use the TELEports app from the App store which works for me.
@MrT10001 Thank you for your answer.
So I tried my BQ E4.5 phone on Xenial and intalled TELEports there. No problem. I'm getting a Telegram message. Works like a charm.
I also tried other versions from the online store. None seem to send a message. So can this be a Pixel 3a thing? Anyone with this phone using TELEports?
Remove TELEports from your phone and delete every trace of it. The last step I choose adb.
On your desktop in Terminal:
- $ adb shell
- $ cd .config
- $ rm -r teleports.ubports
- $ cd ..
- $ cd .local/share
- $ rm -r teleports.ubports
Then I installed version 1.17 from the openstore. I think 1.18 would have worked too but I thought, just to be sure.
After installing and setting up with the country code and phone number, I reciefed a message on Telegram (desktop and iPhone version). And now it works like a charm!
I think the problem occured in the first place, because I was new to Telegram. So I did not have an account already, before installing.
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@TheBird I had already got a telegram account, so it may be the reason you had.