@c4pp4 Thanks. Although I did not see this post, I followed the same process. It worked, this would be helpful for the community.
RE: Xperia XZ (kagura/F8331/F8332)
RE: Xperia XZ (kagura/F8331/F8332)
I installed the UT on F8332. UT works fine except for the camera and Wifi bug. Big thanks to Devs.
How to get anbox work?
I followed what @c4pp4 mentioned in other thread.
sudo mount -o rw,remount /
sudo apt update
sudo apt install anbox-ubuntu-touch
anbox-tool install
sudo apt install android-tools-adb
sudo mount -o ro,remount /
cd /home/phablet/Downloads
wget https://f-droid.org/FDroid.apk
adb install FDroid.apk
Everything is pretty much was already installed. It fails when I run anbox-tool install. says
kagura not supported yet !!!any suggestions?