Got a Raspberry 3 B conected to a 23 inch Acer Touchscreen.
Got UBport, downloaded today up and running, but its very slow and icons way to small.
I understand UBport is not for Rpi3, or at least not mine as its respondig to slow compared to other options, but I just need it to perform one operation...
I live in a boat and have just mounted a Ubiqutiti Bullet M2HP(Link below).
Now in order to connect to this i need to use ethernet and the subnet MUST be in the same range as the Bullets IP adress,
I am not even sure if Ethernet is supported in UBport, as I only see Wifi and Bluetooth in the Settings inside UBport.
In etc/network/interfaces I find this:
interfaces(5) file used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8)# Include files from /etc/network/interfaces.d:source-directory /etc/network/interfaces.d
There is nothing there that gives me a clue about nothing.
I looked there as that is the place to add some lines in order to set a static IP in Ubuntu.
I need some easy guide and not a terminal lesson.
The current state of the affairs as we speak is that the SD card is out of the Rpi and inserted into my Puppy Linux PC, so I can edit files.
I did search for answers, but found nothing.
So question is if UBport supports Ethernet on RPi3 and if a static IP adress that must be something like 192.168.1.* or even i read
I have no idea about subnet, dns or gateway. All this is greek to me.