I thought that at least one Birch or Chestnut model of the Librem 5 had made it to a UBports developer since this blog post. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
RE: Where is librem 5?
RE: Librem 5 dev-kit
I used the UART connection to log in (username: phablet password: phablet) and set up networking.
I tried to start a graphical session but it looks like a lot of things are already running. I couldn't see anything obviously wrong in the system logs. I'll try to take another look at it later, or tomorrow.
RE: Librem 5 dev-kit
@mariogrip I used the U-Boot image from the Purism Jenkins instance and this UBports image. I adapted a flashing script used for the stock Librem 5 development images to flash both of these onto the devkit.
uuu_version 1.0.1 # Using the recovery uboot in ../files/u-boot-devkit-recovery.imx # flash a new image ../files/devkit.img SDP: boot -f /tmp/u-boot-devkit-recovery.imx # This command will be run when use SPL SDPU: delay 1000 SDPU: write -f /tmp/u-boot-devkit-recovery.imx -offset 0x57c00 SDPU: jump # This command will be run when ROM support stream mode SDPS: boot -f /tmp/u-boot-devkit-recovery.imx SDPU: delay 1000 FB: ucmd mmc dev 0 FB: ucmd setenv fastboot_dev mmc FB: ucmd setenv mmcdev 0 FB: flash -raw2sparse all /tmp/devkit.img FB: Done
is theubuntu-touch-librem5-dev.img
image file.It boots to a login prompt on the screen but doesn't switch to a graphical environment. I'll have to plug in a UART to serial cable to see what needs to be done to set up the phone environment. Any hints about that?
RE: Librem 5 dev-kit
@mariogrip Thanks for updating Jenkins. I'll check back tomorrow or later this week.
RE: Librem 5 dev-kit
@mariogrip Thanks for the link. I'll try and find some time to flash a known working image onto the board.
RE: Librem 5 dev-kit
Is there a set of instructions describing how to install the port of UBports onto the Librem 5 development board, or is it handled in a generic way using an installer?
Thanks in advance for any hints.