@izd I just have this morning. Indeed the browser works, but I've found a few issues. WiFi authentication no longer works for me. In previous versions I was able to log in to my secured networks, but using the latest updates I could only connect to an unsecured guest network. I also have found that the Browser crashes regularly doing fairly simple browsing tasks.
RE: Browser won't run on Nexus 5
RE: Browser won't run on Nexus 5
That's great! Which branch, rc-proposed or devel_rc-proposed?
RE: Browser won't run on Nexus 5
Flashing with rc-proposed does not yield any improvements and devel_rc-proposed's flashing process appears to be broken, but it looks like there were changes this morning, so I will try again later after new updates are visible.
RE: Browser won't run on Nexus 5
I am seeing this as well, particulatly in 3rd-party installable apps like Inbox, Google Maps, Calendar. My guess is that any apps that are essentially web-containers will not work. Terminal works though, so that may be a good place to start.