@ubportsnews Is possible for you, use Ubports in a retroconsole with Mainline kernel? Could be a future for the OS?
In the future web Will see engine that natively supporto Ubports? I know that with Godot somethink Is possible, but non native.
RE: Ubuntu Touch Q&A 122 live from FOSDEM Sunday 5th Feb
RE: Ubuntu Touch Q&A 98 Saturday 10th Of April At 19:00 UTC
Ubports Will support Rust?
RE: Ubuntu Touch Q&A 84 This Saturday At 19:00 UTC
Hi all guys!
Any news about Godot and Ubports?
When Is possible use it for make app for Ubports?
Thats for all your work! -
RE: Ubuntu Touch Q&A 82 Is This Saturday 15th Aug At 19:00 UTC
Ubports and Godot any marriage?
Would be possible in the future use it for make and and games for Ubports?