Port for Moto G 2013 (falcon) based on Halium-7.1
Device port status: WIP
Kernel: LineageOS/android_kernel_motorola_msm8226 (fork)
Device: android_device_motorola_falcon | msm8226-common (fork)
Halium: halium-devices manifest
Current Status (tested on XT-1032 BR Retail)
- Actors: Manual brightness
- Actors: Notification LED
- Actors: Torchlight
- Cellular: Carrier info, signal strength
- Cellular: Data connection
- Cellular: Incoming, outgoing calls (but no audio)
- Cellular: SMS in, out
- Misc: Battery percentage
- Misc: Online charging
- Sensors: Automatic brightness
- Sensors: Proximity
- Sensors: Touchscreen
Working with additional steps
- Actors: Vibration
- Camera: Photo (Only front camera | back camera hangs after press capture button)
- Camera: Switch between back and front camera (needs to "change" app and returns to work)
- Sensors: GPS (only at test GPS on Terminal - No permission request when open an app)
Not working
- Camera: Flashlight
- Camera: Video (Camera app hangs trying to record video)
- Cellular: Voice in calls
- Misc: Shutdown / Reboot ( Shutdown but do not start again - need long press power button )
- Network: Bluetooth
- Network: WiFi (Possible to scan networks and sometimes connect, but generally crash all the system after a "successful" connection)
- Sensors: Rotation
- Sound: Earphones
- Sound: Loudspeaker (only some sounds like keyboard / files played by Morph Browser)
- Sound: Microphone
- Sound: Volume control
- Misc: Offline charging (blank screen)
Not tested
- Cellular: MMS in, out
- Cellular: PIN unlock
- Cellular: Change audio routings
- Endurance: Battery lifetime > 24h from 100%
- Endurance: No reboot needed for 1 week
- GPU: Boot into UI
- GPU: Video acceleration
- Misc: Anbox patches applied to kernel
- Misc: Recovery image
- Misc: Reset to factory defaults
- Misc: SD card detection and access (XT1032 don´t have SD card slot)
- Misc: RTC time is used after reboot
- Network: Flight mode
- Network: Hotspot
- USB: MTP access
- USB: ADB access
(To be detailed in the future.)
- Bootloader needs to be unlocked.
- Flash TWRP recovery.
- Install with halium-install
Additional Information
- Installation performed on device running custom ROM: LineageOS (7.1.2).
- Recovery version:
- Perform a TWRP full backup recommended
- Only tested on XT1032 BR Retail (single SIM)