@lduboeuf Wow. Cool. That worked. Thanks. Perhaps that should be used as part of the instructions on the device install section. Probably should also mention that Google Chrome is needed to do that. The important thing is that I now have Ubuntu Touch on the phone. Thanks again.
RE: Newly purchased Pixel 3a won't let me downgrade Andoid to 9.
RE: (Solved) New UT on Pixel 3a user.
@arubislander Cool. That works. I was able to go in and get the Waydroid instance certified (through the adb shell) by following the Waydroid instructions and getting the android id.
Unfortunately, after using Wayroid stop and rebooting the phone, the system freezes at the Google splash screen.
A restart is possible, and I am able to get into Waydroid again by using the app tray.