I'm very interested in the possibilities of better user support and stability for Anbox, which could include install/configure tooling for .apk, and inclusion of alternative stores - like Fdroid and the e.foundation appstore. There are specific ecosystem gaps that can be addressed this way. Many users have one important function that a single app addresses, that is their roadblock for adoption. These emerge merely as corner-cases for UBports as a whole, and full feature support for installing Android apps would be one good way of addressing these barriers.
RE: Ubuntu Touch Q&A 93 Saturday 30th Of January At 19:00 UTC
RE: Want To Develop UT And Need A Device
Please accept my candidacy for the Ubuntu phone. I have been on Linux since floppy images were DL'd from Compuserve for SLS and Slackware.
I'm running the full build stack for Halium, right now, with efforts at a Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge port in the works. I'm also running a community build candidate for e.foundation to support US versions of this device.
As an infosec pro, I'm especially interested in contributing and testing to network privacy aspects of a U-phone port, including TOR configurations and secure alternatives to iCloud or G-drive, such as user-configurable WebDAV for NextCloud backend, etc.