Hi... I'm very new with UT... I have redmi 7 too.. Is cheap an good for try something new, like UT... Bluetooth, wifi, hotspot, calls, sms works fine... But i have problem with libertine, and i can't find the vendor_mashkoukrasV2, written in githab install guide... I have problem with libertine too, may i'm the noob, but i cant run softwares with it... I use ssh installation, becouse adb does not work for me... >adb devices command list is empty... So please some info about adb and libertine usage... a work with it 5 days, but nonthing... Thank You, and sorry for my bad English...
RE: Xiaomi Redmi 7 review and beginner questions?
RE: Xiaomi Redmi 7 review and beginner questions?
@tchan Hi...! Thanks for answers... I use vendor "fw-vendor_onc_miui_ONCLITEEEAGlobal_V11.0.10.0.PFLEUXM_1bc7606f67_9.0.zip"
From here: https://xiaomifirmwareupdater.com/vendor/onclite/
"Everything" works fine... But Libertine nothing...